Thursday, 3 June 2010

Does God exist?

If so, why did he/she create those fucking idiots? Because, what is the proof of any god in a fucktard's theory that one of millions of our proteins is shaped like a cross? Well, let's find out.

Oh shit. So that's what he's been talking about. (if you don't see the video here, click "read more" and then scroll up)

First off, 1:20 minutes in, my reaction: So what the flying dharma fuck are you talking about? Are you talking about DNA? Are you talking about user called 24EvelJustin24 (notice: evel)? Are you talking about our DNA? Because I don't think you're talking about anything. Which brings us to the question:
First off, lamimin looks like this:
No crosses involved.
Now take a look. Does this look like a cross? No, it looks like either comically roller skating, or rocking out to the crappy electronic beat from the 80s. Well, preacher1214, what do you think now? Well, let me add a picture of another chemical compound...
From Wikipedia
If you still don't knows what it is, let me inform you: It's Tetrahydrocannabinol. As in cannabis. As in marijuana. I believe that's what you were smoking a while before making this video.
Besides, what are your evidence Jesus was crucified on that kind of cross? According to,
It is uncertain whether the form of the original crucifixion device was a stake, a T-shape, or the familiar cross of modern Christian iconography.
See? So stop throwing bullshit in my face, mister preacher!

Besides, what he presented in this video is a simplified model for a biology classbook (I see the pearson education copyright at the bottom of it even at 360p) - as you saw yourself, laminin doesn't look like this. If you count anything t-shaped as a proof of God, just stand there with your arms wide. Fucking moron.
He says that there is no "more concrete" evidence for God, simply on a basis that it's in our bodies. Sulphur is also in our bodies, and I believe that the hell and the devil are associated with sulphur. Does it mean that both of them exist? Shit, let's better stop sinning! I mean, you stop sinning you idiot and use God's name in vain! I believe it would matter to you!

His another point on this Christianity-oriented cannabis rampage preaching spree, is that if the evolution is a true theory, why aren't we evolving today? Well, two words for you: Alfred Wegener. No? Nothing? OK, two more words: continental drift. Time to dust off the high school knowledge - basically, Wegener suggested that continents move, because Africa and South America are like a jigsaw fucking puzzle. Today we know it's true, with the advent of plate tectonics and sea floor spreading. But back in the 1910s, people were sceptical about this - because they didn't feel that continents move about. Well, this is where all the anti-evolutionists come in, with the claim that evolution doesn't exist because we don't evolve today. WRONG. We do. We do evolve, we just don't see this, because it's too slow for anybody to notice.
Also, 3:44 to 3:50 - were you try to rip off Penn & Teller? If so, you should've said "bullshit". Now get some nose decongestant and stop using those drugs. Because creationism is bullshit.

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  1. Hey, stop stealin' mah topics for blog posts. :P

  2. I felt like this guy deserves being bitched about by more than one angry atheist ;p
